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Please Note: This is a stock photo. Crystals may vary in size/shape/color. This includes 1 heart shaped polished crystal. Your Crystal will be intuitively selected for you, and will be cleansed and charged. All Crystals are final sale due to their engergetic properties.



Sunstone carries light and positive energy from the sun that encourages independence and originality. Sunstones tangerine color promotes happiness, camaraderie, enjoyment, and family unity. The combination of pink, orange, and red within the stone make this a powerful crystal for all matters of the heart. Whether you are working on confidence and self-esteem or you want to enjoy your life more, Sunstone holds the energy you need. Wearing a Sunstone crystal in the form of jewelry keeps your intention close to your body and spirit. In addition to wearing it, carrying a Sunstone crystal allows you to have a touchpoint for your intention. We all have days where the to-do list is never ending, or we’re pulled in too many directions. But even on those days, holding your Sunstone stone in your hands or over your heart reminds you to find ways, no matter how big or small, to get more enjoyment out of life.


Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz crystal helps enhance our potential for kindness, compassion, and understanding. Its delicate charm and soothing pink color gives a calming effect to the mind and body. The presence of rose quartz in your home brings emotional, physical and spiritual healing. It can resonate both gentle and strong vibrations in your environment to target your heart and release negative emotions that you’ve been holding on for a very long time. Rose Quartz works well with childhood trauma, fear and anger. It helps to let go, and deal with negative emotions to start the road to forgiveness and unconditional love .Rose Quartz energy can be used in infertility, childbirth, complicated pregnancy and postpartum disorders. Rose Quartz crystal benefits you by giving you the energy to transform yourself whether you want a new hobby, trying to be physically fit or want to improve your relationships with the people around you or even to help you travel the world. Lastly, the anti-aging properties of rose quartz prevent wrinkles, age spots, acne, rashes and brighten the skin’s natural glow and appearance.



If you have been holding onto anger and resentment toward yourself or others then Rhodonite is the stone to help you. By helping you to release toxic emotions or darkness from your heart, Rhodonite guides you toward forgiveness, allowing you to find peace and move on to a brighter, lighter future. Place Rhodonite in your living space to invite it's positive energy. It will help ground your expectations, making you more receptive and forgiving. The pink stone supports healthy relationships.


Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine is a gorgeous stone geared towards luck, strength, joy, and harnessing good fortune. Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. It neutralises all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment. Green Aventurine settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. It brings well-being and emotional calm. Also used to help strengthen eyesight. A good all-round healer. It is declared as the most powerful crystal to attract business and job opportunities to enhance the prosperity of your life.

Mini Heart Stone Carving

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